Jerky in a Smoker??

Tried ribs on my smoker and was very pleased with the results. Now I want to try some jerky. Anyone want to share their recipe/method for making jerky in an electric smoker?


I was going to try in my BGE a while back, but decided to just order a dehydrator. Electric smoker probably be just as good…160 for a few hours is what the dehydrator setting is, if that helps.

Buy a London Broil when on sale, freeze slightly so you can cut evenly…marinate for 24 hours (I have tried my own mix as well as storebought stuff…UTVols here turned me on to Allegro in BiLo and it’s a good one).

from experience, i can tell you that you only want to put the smoke on for a little while. Surface area to volume is high and you will end up with overpowering smoke flavor quickly

Doug, What schoolsout said. If you really want to go for something special: get a corn beef brisket, trim the bad, and slightly freeze.
I use a mandolin to slice thin and place on a cookie sheet in the smoker. About 160 for 4 hours while putting hickory on the coals.
My smoker is the type that has a side charcoal burner. Adding a few coals every 20 or 30 minutes also adds to the smoke.

I might have to try the corned beef brisket next go 'round.

I have an electric smoker and a dehydrator. The dehydrator is by far the way to go in making jerky. The smoker can really over power the meat, and it’s actually drier/harder than when I dehydrate it.


Been looking to buy a dehydrator. Any recommendation on a small one.
Right now it looks like the Nesco Snackmaster Pro from searching reviews.

Originally posted by WallyB

Been looking to buy a dehydrator. Any recommendation on a small one.
Right now it looks like the Nesco Snackmaster Pro from searching reviews.

I have a Nesco not sure what model but I have been very pleased with it. My is an entry level model.

This is the one I have…it’s pretty nice

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

This is the one I have…it’s pretty nice

That is basically a rebranded Nesco. Metal Ware owns both Nesco and Open Country brands.

dfreedom, I agree with every one on the smoker making the meat Too smokey. I’ve tried both ways and I like my dehydrator the best.

as for seasoning I bought electric scales and use this:

If you don’t use the scales you can easily get it over salty from too much cure. I use wine as my liquid and add a little more Garlic powder, onion powder and red pepper seeds.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

well crap, was not expecting this topic with a thread title like that…honestly didn’t know whatr to expect, but thought admin would have banded* you by now DFreedom…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Bonzo72

well crap, was not expecting this topic with a thread title like that…honestly didn’t know whatr to expect, but thought admin would have banded* you by now DFreedom…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Bonzo, Keep your mind outta the gutter.:smiley:

Thanks for all of the “useful” input. I figure as far as smoking, I’ll keep that to a minimum and use something mild like pecan. I may buy a dehydrator one day but still earning to use the smoker so I thought I’d try out some jerky.

Don’t make me start hatting you Carl.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

Thanks for all of the “useful” input.

Don’t make me start hatting you Carl.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>


seriously thought I’ve got an electric smoker in the attic I’ve nevah used…Big Bonzo gave it to me years ago…wife ain’t much on smoky flavor, but I’m gonna buss it out this Spring and see what happens…might end up as a jetty anchor for Barbawang, but we’ll see…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Oh no, now he’s going to need smoking goggles:wink:

I do mine at 160° for about 4 hours…depends on the thickness of the meat & the dryness you want. It tends to dry even more after removing it from the smoker. I also prefer dry seasoning over wet just my preference. I’ve used Hickory, mesquite, apple, Cherry and most recently Lumberjack pellets…competition flavor, but haven’t tried pecan.

2006 Pro Line 17 Sport Honda 90

Oh no, now he's going to need smoking goggles

And a velvet smoking jacket.

Smoke some ribs Bonz, you won’t regret it.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?