
My 15yo boy is looking for a summer job to make a little scratch to save for a car. Since he got his permit all he’s been talking about is getting his own ride so when he gets his license he’ll be ready to roll. I came here to ask if anyone had a suggestion for finding him a little work. Any information would be appreciated. Thank You.

I started out cutting lawns, raking, etc… in my neighborhood. Pet sitting?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Detailing cars, pressure washing drive ways.
He could try get something at local hardware store, grocery store, ect… but because of his age I think number of hours he can work is limited by law.

Have him print up some flyers on the computer and distribute them around the neighborhood and at church! Have seen this reely work out for enterprising young people! Do a good job for a good price and word of mouth will take him a long way.

Maybe try some of our local Landscape businesses? They seem to be really sprouting up all over the place.

Wish your son the best of luck!

Money he can make thats cash straight to his wallet is an excellent motivator. When I was a his age I had some good lawn equipment and advertising flyers. I mowed every day that I didn’t fish or rained. I also painted , scrubbed floors , washed windows . Don’t just pass out the flyers - tell him to knock on the door and tell them what he can do. He will learn about hard work , money management , planning & logistics and girls - because he will have CASH!

Tackle shops hire summer help
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After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.