July 16 to July21 Trolling off Folly Beach

Trolling off Folly

Checking to see if any one would like to cut some of their costs. I will be at Folly beach July 16 to 21st.

More than willing to pay some of the costs up to $150.00. Also I have my own equipment, and you wont have to babysit


No takers? I guess I’ll spend the money on a charter.

PM your number if you like and we can talk. I have some vacation that time and might be heading out for some “fun” fishing, like AJs on topwater, baracuda on light artificial, and other stuff kinda like that if you are interested. Always enjoy taking new folks out and we’d split the trips cost.

“The problem that infuriates you the most is the one you are meant to solve.”

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