just a bit of advice

A bit of good advice for anyone.Especially, the ones that will be going to college soon. “The ability to write a well crafted letter will get you very far in life”. My Legal Writing professor told us those exact words on the first day of class.Let me say that 12 years later, he was right. There have been many instances in recent years when trying to get things done i have had problems and then I remember what he said. I go sit down and write a proper letter to the parties involved.Proof read and edit it. Then send it. Almost every time, the response is just what i needed. Just happened again today! Finally,after months, we got what we needed because of a well crafted letter:wink:
Just thought id share!

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.


Reminds me of the “Johnny Letter” skit on Saturday Night Live.

Truly, though, the English language has become a demonic mutation that dwells between the heights of pure utilitarianism and the sloughs of pure laziness. So few even attempt beauty and art with English anymore.

I used to spend enormous amounts of time putting together my r?sum? that I seldom had a job interview where it wasn’t complimented, and this frequently got the job for me. Now I am in an industry that requires FAR more skill than any of my previous jobs, but a r?sum? is seen as pure snobbery.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

It’s those kids with their dang tweeter accounts!!!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


and now cursive is being wiped out…

On the resume thing, if a person can’t get one right with all the “samples” on line, then they just are not trying.

Resumes are good in big metropolitan areas, but around here it’s still who ya know to a large degree. Networking… and having a good childhood record goes a long way…imo

Agree. A well written letter can get you a job, mend fences, or settle a dispute.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!