Just A Question - Mother Emanuel

Did the Mother Emanuel shootings change you in any way?

Hopefully the Heybo group will diminish when they don’t have a symbol? Is a Yeti their new symbol?

First, Most, Biggest

I don’t understand what yo’re saying - mean? Expound pleaee

Originally posted by Hoppy

Did the Mother Emanuel shootings change you in any way?

yes…it opened my eyes to the fact that there are freaks in this world who think that by their actions alone they can create a revolution…revolution is a group thing…revolution should be a forward movement…that ass hole felt as though he could affect the course of history by himself…funny thing is he is now history himself, but 180 degrees opposite of what his intentions were…ALL lives matter…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Hoppy

Did the Mother Emanuel shootings change you in any way?

I posed this question on facebook. Wondering if the responses are the same or different here…

It didn’t change me, but it only confirmed my opinions regarding the weak political establishment in SC that hijacked a most unfortunate moment to capitalize on removing the battle flag. You know those flags are dangerous things… South Carolina has one loser of a Governor… All those that caved in are in the same boat…


One person dead from such is plenty… No need to go get locked away…

I don’t think it changed me per se, but I never thought something like that would happen in Charleston

showed the folly of gun free zones. I carry!

It certainly changed the way I think about Charleston. I’m a transplant and racial tension wasnt a huge factor where I grew up. Had some experiences and interactions here that made me wonder if the Ferguson or Baltimore situation could happen here. The cohesion of our community after the shooting made me proud to live here.

also my ffl who was a pleasure to deal with and located conveniently close to my house decide to get out of the business after the shooting.

Natureboy the only gun free zones I believe in are the ones with metal detectors

18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.

“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway

I think to me it made other peoples feeling clearer, and more important. I was a staunch flag supporter prior, but after, I was glad to see it gone. I still believe in all the “Heritage Not Hate”, and to me the flag never represented slavery or oppression. But after the massacre, others feelings mattered more. And I accepted the fact that just as mine are to me, their feelings are real to them. So I was ok and at peace with it coming down. What I’ve noticed since it was removed, is it hasn’t impacted my life one bit.

Originally posted by Great White

Hopefully the Heybo group will diminish when they don’t have a symbol? Is a Yeti their new symbol?

First, Most, Biggest

I think it gave the anti-“hey -bo” reason for more hatred towards something they don’t care to understand. Mostly those of Northern Descent. On the Yeti, I see way more Yeti stickers in the City than on country trucks. You hating on “yeti”?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Hoppy, I don’t fly the flag any longer. I know it really causes some Black folk grief.

The flag will always be a symbol of my freedom as a Southern Boy growing up enjoying hunting, fishing, sneaking a beer, and chasing girls. Never</font id=“red”> </font id=“size3”>hatred towards Black folk. Some will understand that, but it’s not worth it to me to try and explain it any more.

What bothers me about the Mother Emanuel tragedy, is I think there is more sinister work involved in it. I don’t think Dylann Roof acted alone, to many things about his target and timing cry of outside help and planing. Who was he meeting in Nashville, Tennessee? Dylann was sold a firearm while on probation.

I’m just glad all us Southern White and Black folk know that there is much love between the colors that be. Glad we all didn’t riot because of one sick twisted little white boy that deserves a bullet in his head.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I like your response Fred, and agree with you. The flag up or down doesn’t make me feel any more or less Southern. Cool perspective. Thanks for sharing

Originally posted by Hoppy

I like your response Fred, and agree with you. The flag up or down doesn’t make me feel any more or less Southern. Cool perspective. Thanks for sharing

However, it may make a people feel a little more Northern… Disassembling the legacy of our past doesn’t amount to atoning for our past either… I’ll stick with they shouldn’t have hijacked an unfortunate event to bring down a flag…


One person dead from such is plenty… No need to go get locked away…

Looks like it leaves some with questions about a flag.


Met with Hillary hours before? Sued the DNC? Might need the National Enquirer to investigate before Adrea Mitchell uncovers a story by mistake.

Just a messenger, arrows directed at RBF for bringing it up.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” - Soren Kiekegaard