Karma is a B

I guess this is what I get for cackling about the officer turning around on me and getting stuck in the mediun…

But at least you look good in that fancy new truck.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Man I would look good even a 1975 Vega…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day


"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Ticket… oh yeah.
He cut me some slack though…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Frankly I’m surprised. I see very little in the way of traffic enforcement anymore, especially around Columbia. Red light running has become epidemic and I see at least 10 - 12 cars a day running not yellow, but full on red lights. Speeding is the new normal and no one uses turn signals anymore unless it is after they cut you off.

I still say BMW drivers are the worst, followed closely by Prius drivers.

At least he gave you a break.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

My neighbor and good friend is about 2 years from retiring from the Highway patrol. He’s made it up the latter pretty well. They don’t have the man power to enforce like they used to. I have spells of a good deal of driving through the week and you certainly do not see people pulled over much any more. 64 from Walterboro to Jacksonville in the morning and afternoons is actually scary with some of the other drivers passing when they should not. Not to mention 17A from Walterboro to Summerville/ Charleston.

Who really wants a job 81 supposed voters that want to defund the Police? I’ll put out a thought that around June/July things are going to get a lot worse, especially when groceries start getting so high the food stamp money won’t cover the entire bill and also come in short supply.

We have some hope with states like Florida and now Texas taking the border stuff over from the Feds lack of “enthusiasm”.

It’s easy to find people running red lights. If the City of Columbia set up at the corner of Bull and Elmwood they could write tickets all day long every time the light cycles. IN the afternoon 75% are also on the phone. It’s ridiculous.

Pioneer 197SF

Had someone yesterday in Augusta blow across in front of me after it was red for a bit. Going 50 or so.

These cell phones and driving are perhaps as bad as DUI IMO. Doesn’t seem to be any enforcement over that tho.


it’s epically bad, charleston maybe worse but i don’t know columbia. drove back from charlotte yesterday. kids in the back, rain all the way to 95. fast drivers, no blinkers, but it wasn’t scary till we were 5 miles from home. first red light in town, already green on my side and the third car is still going through it holding his phone up over the steering wheel. kids asked me why i was mumbling, i said it’s because i have to stay safe for myself and all the others because they can’t do it for themselves.

I got hit in the a$$ at a stoplight about 10 years ago. Highway patrolman sitting at the light on the other side of the intersection, seen the whole thing.
It was hilarious the guy was driving a Mercedes and he was an attorney. Can’t remember his name but he worked for Harry pavallac office big ambulance chaser in Myrtle Beach. First thing he told the officer was that a$$ hole should not have stopped the light was still yellow. The second thing he was raising hell about was my trailer hitch. Told the officer he would not have tore his car all to hell if I had not had my trailer hitch sticking out. Officer told him if he had not hit me in the ass and had been paying attention he would not have tore his car all to hell. He flipped. Officer told him if he didn’t shut his mouth and go stand by his car he was going to put him in the back of his. He probably hit me at around 20 miles an hour blew his airbags and tore the car all to hell. When I pulled off of him at about ripped the radiator out. Again the officer had to tell him to shut his mouth.The only thing it did was messed up some of the plastic trim on my bumper and scratched it up a little.
I stuck a little over 1,000 bucks in my pocket from his insurance company.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

If you would have been like a lot in today’s sue happy world you would have put a $100,000 in your pocket. Recently had an elderly lady blow by two flagmen hit a parked loader that was on the shoulder. Several witnesses. She gets an ambulance chaser and sues. In the statement it was written up that she hit a service truck that was backing out in the road and several other bold lies… Insurance company said it would be to costly to fight in court. She got $30,000 plus her car fixed. People wonder why insurance is so high.