Kayak fishing for reds, trout, flounder around Edisto

I come to Edisto Island about 4 weeks per year, one week each season. I now own a fishing pedal kayak (Hobie Mirage Passport 10.5). Seeking any and all information about where to launch/fish for reds, trout and flounder. Hoping to stay out of the biggest water until more practiced. What about Ocella Creek, West Bank Creek, Blue Housr Creek? Any and all information will be appreciated. Fish on!

First, welcome to the site. You’ll find loads of good information here, either thru the search function or first hand information.

The creeks you mentioned are all good, just watch the tide and move accordingly so you aren’t too far from where you launched and working against the tides. Also access to botany bay might be limited, check ahead.

Big bay is good too, lots of access and structure protected from the wind.

Steamboat Creek should not be overlooked, it doesn’t get much better, put in way upstream where Steamboat crosses 174 and fish towards the ocean on the outgoing and back to your car on the incoming.

You could also use steamboat landing and fish those creeks as well, good access and reel* fishy

Hope that helps and be sure and post pictures of your stuff. It’s the way you get your next bit of advice around here.

Best of luck

EF1, thanks for the great advice. Will heed the warning on the tide changes for sure. I appreciate you taking time to respond and hope to have pictures to post. :+1::fish: