Kayak paradise

just got back from FL, we hit this place on the west coast called ozello (about 30mi south of cedar key) … its spring fed by the crystal river, and man its perfect for kayak fishing … ive never seen water this clear, and the waters are so backcounty that access by boats is impossible, its basically a maze of mangrove islands and real shallow flats, w/ deeper pools holdin some fish … absolutely LOADED with reds and snook its awesome, our buddies saw juvy tarpon are back in there, but we didn’t see any

great place to check out in FL if you get the chance, yall SC boys deserve the heads up


“Connecting you to your natural resources with the best polo shirt ever.”

That’s an awesome photo! I’m headed down to the Panhandle area (Destin) of FL for my next military tour. I look foward to getting into all the fishing that region offers. I still love this place! v/r tx :8ball:

destin huh, well you need to get in touch w/ my buddy Andy Parker…he guides out of destin and knows that fishery real well, redfish, tarpon, trout, sharks, everything – and if your into tossin flies he’s a pro w/ that … hit him up at aparker812@gmail.com


“Connecting you to your natural resources with the best polo shirt ever.”

I second that, Andy is great guy.
Nice pics man wish I woulda known yall were down there, I was close to that area and I had my kayak with me:frowning_face:
2006 16ft actioncraft flats 115 etec

Thanks guys appreciate the heads up on local talent for the Destin area. Still have serveral weeks here in the low country to take advantage of. I love this time of year. v/r tx :8ball:

That fish looks heavy… how much did it weigh?:smiley: