Kill shot

Yesterday my 2 youngens got an invite to turkey hunt with a buddy and they jumped on it. Morning started off with us locating a bird on the roost and hurried to get set up. Gobbler needed to take a few more steps closer for my youngest youngen to drop the hammer since she won the coin toss but ol bird safely left the scene. We located 4 more birds in 3 different locations all within a 150 yards of each other and lonely. Unfortunately 3 single hens took these birds off into different directions and the gobbling stopped. Found 1 last gobbler for the hunt at noon and he came in at 30 yards from me but since we were invited I wanted my buddy to shoot…the hen busted him and buttholes and tail feathers is all that we saw when they took off. Devised a plan for this morning’s hunt since we added a father and son shooter and invited my uncle to call for them since they have never turkey hunted before. Sunrise came and my buddy, my 2 youngens, and myself were set up with the decoys out and 2 birds hammering and lonely. They came into the setup but didn’t seem to like the stutter decoy and swung wide and out of sight. One bush kept these birds safe from my two youngens that had full intentions of making the loud kick in. The other 3 in our group had 3 longbeards come into their setup as well and they didn’t like their stutter decoy as well…only one bird presented a shot while the other 2 were saved by a bush as well. BAM! And that is what it looks like when a plan comes together. Proud to be a part of a well executed plan that I put together for a hunter that killed his 1st turkey!!!

I love it when a plan comes together .Good job son.

Good job!