Lake Moultrie is Coming Back Up Quickly

I haven’t been out on the lake since October. My uncle told me this week that the grass is getting really thick. He said it was almost impossible to get thought with a trolling motor. Any thoughts on that? Good or bad?

Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole

Having weeds (like hydrilla) seems to be good for the fish population but it makes fishing for them a BEAR. I hate catfishing around a bunch of hydrilla.

x2 with matt…however if you like bass fishing you should be able to destroy them with topwaters over the shallow weeds once it warms up a bit!

David, most bass fishermen get their rear ends handed to them on Moultrie if they’ve never fished there before. There are definitely a lot of big fish in there but my experience has been that they are very “tactical” in their choices, more so than other lakes. One slight change in the weather seems to change everything lol.

Even the catfish behave this way in Moultrie.

im definately one of em! got a rental boat from short stay and spotted several 4-5lb bass in the stumps and caught 0 of em.