Lake wateree

Does anyone have any experience fishing for striper on lake wateree? I’ve recently moved near there and i’m curious about what all you can fish for on it.

I have fished a few times in the lake as well as in the Wateree river below the dam in Lugoff. It’s been a tough fall/winter there because of all the rain which caused a lot of muddy water as the lake is really part of the Catawba river system. You can glean a lot of striper info by going to and looking at the South Carolina section. While most of the postings are about crappie there are quite a few about stripers. The general consensus seems to be that Murray is the better bet for stripers. In addition, the Saluda river that runs through downtown Columbia is a hot spot for good sized stripers during May and June throwing big surface plugs from the riverbank.

They school some on overcast days early and late in the area w/in 1/4 of dam in winter following bait fish. Summer is up the lake below the Cedar Cr dam in the old river channel. Fair to great in river about May to June depending on water levels. Usually hear better reports from Murray but, it’s a long ride to the upper lake there.

J Ford

J16 cc Carolina Skiff “Hydro Therapy”

Thanks guy. I really appreciate it. I live about 20 miles from wateree, so it’s much easier for me to fish from there. I will plan to check out the rivers too though. Thanks again.

I wish I could tell you what to do there. Wateree is FULL of shad. Any predator fish is literally wallowing in the shad. I’ve seen lot’s of striper on my graph but never hooked one. I’ve heard that they are only caught when schooling at the surface near the dam. Good luck! Hope to hear if you score a few!

IF you ever need someone to spring for bait or gas let me know. I’m in westville just south of Kershaw.

I have never tried it but once with not much luck but up in the river toward Ceder creek dam there are a few deep holes that supposedly hold stripers in the spring and early summer.They are between the mouth of wateree creek and the sand bar if you are familiar with that. Just use your debth finder and work that stretch and see what you find.Good luck.

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