Law on passing multiple vehicles in zone

I am trying to get some info for my neighbor. He was 2nd in line of a 4 or 5 car line on 174. He went to pass the #1 car and when he moved into the left lane someone from way back was flying up and hit him.

My neighbor was cited for the accident. He says the guy must have been in his blind spot but I think he never checked his mirror. He says he is going to request a trial at his traffic court date, but I am not sure how it will go for him.

I dug around in the SC law and it does not state anything about multiple vehicles. 56-5-1840 SC traffic law is where I was reading about it.

He is 71 years old and is not very internet saavy. He is a good guy and if anyone has any input, good or bad, please let me know. Thanks

I can’t offer any help, but I’ve always thought that passing multiple cars was illegal. Not that it stops the pigs (particularly a couple on Old Orangeburg Rd).

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

In SC, I have been told that if you hit a car from behind, you are at fault. My opinion of the revenue collectors is about the same a Redfish’s. I think it would be time to make a few phone calls for legal advise. Certainly use a jury trial. Good luck, and remember there is no right or wrong, you buy the justice you deserve.

Originally posted by ReelShock [br Good luck, and remember there is no right or wrong, you buy the justice you deserve.

That’s why the o.j’s of America get away with murder and McD’s payed millions for a woman burning her lady parts with coffee while driving. If you can’t afford a good lawyer you deserve justice, but can’t afford it so you don’t get it. You don’t really believe your statement, do you?

I wonder just how many Innocent American’s have suffered from that same thinking with lawyers? I wonder how many repeat drunk drivers have killed innocent families because they could pay their way out of being “wrong”. Right and wrong belong to everyone, including the ones that can afford to buy themselves out of being wrong.

If you pull out in front of passing traffic, it’s your fault. If the driver of the other vehicle doesn’t show up at court, they may drop the charges against your friend.

“Never argue with an idiot…he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.”

If you tried to double jump someone in checkers(without touching an empty space inbetween) on the street…you’d get cut.

I can tell you that you shouldn’t pass a farm tractor on a double yellow for sure though.

A guy I work with has a wife that was turning left into her driveway. A car was attempting to pass her and the car hit her in the side. She was cited . Sounds crazy. Court said if their is not a solid line then a car can pass and the person turning left is responsible for checking behind and in front of them. It will be his fault. Stupid law IMO.

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

Originally posted by CooperRiverMan

A guy I work with has a wife that was turning left into her driveway. A car was attempting to pass her and the car hit her in the side. She was cited . Sounds crazy. Court said if their is not a solid line then a car can pass and the person turning left is responsible for checking behind and in front of them. It will be his fault. Stupid law IMO.

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

I’d have requested a jury trial on that one.

“your honor, I had my blinker on at the required distance and Mr. X disregarded my signal and crashed into me.”

This is were our lawyers need to excel and prove the innocence of the inocent.

“He is 71 years old and is not very internet saavy. He is a good guy and if anyone has any input, good or bad, please let me know.”

Two things to think of here in my opinion.

Lets say he goes to court and the other guy gets a lawyer as well, your friend had better make sure that he has all of his medical (vision) checked as I am sure it will be brought up just due to his age.

Second, not sure about the law but I would be willing to bet he never checked his mirror. That is what the judge is going to most likely find.

Either way good luck to your friend.

We had a discussion and I think he has come to terms that he was at fault. He is still going to go to court in hopes that the other person does not show. Everything credible I could find states the other person had the right of way, no laws about passing multiple cars at once.

Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude

Sounds like a superseding negligence case. If he lawyers up he may be able to argue that the man speeding past a whole line of cars was basically “more” negligent than he was.

Either way, from a fellow driver’s standpoint, the punk passing all those cars is still a punk. He shouldn’t get out of this without a ticket, a fine, and some points on his license as well.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.