I have a Hoyt CRX 35 compound bow for sale. It is a left handed bow and I believe the draw weight on the limbs can be adjusted from 70 - 80 pounds. This was a gift and as I am right handed, I have no use for it. Not sure what year it is, but seems to have been well taken care of. It also has on it what seems to be some type of adjustable arrow rest (not sure, I’ve only ever shot recurves). As mentioned earlier, it is not brand new, so I’m not trying to get the same money that a new bow would cost. Likewise, I’m not going to give it away either. Make me a reasonable offer and take it off my hands. Would also consider trades for a WELL MAINTAINED deer rifle.
Paul…will post some pics and email you later on when I get back to the house. Also, looked into the accessory that I mentioned in my original post…it is an UltraRest HD made by Quality Archery Designs