Legality of a detachable Mag fed shotgun?

Hey all so i have a 12 ga. MFPA shotgun i bought for cheap as a swamp gun and i love it! Never jams and doesn’t mind getting dirty. Here is a link to it:

My question is, if i plug the magazine so the mag only hold 2 rds and one is in the gun is that legal to hunt ducks in SC?

Also if i had another mag also plugged for quick reloads would that be pushing my luck with the DNR. All the restrictions ive read said nothing about a MagFed shotgun. I know all the rules about normal shotguns cause i’ve grown up hunting ducks here but this im not so sure about.

What are yall’s opinions?
Thanks for your time!

F/V Tinny will live forever

Call DNR on this one. I would like to take my ar 12 bird hunting but never have as it is a mag fed shot gun. How are you planning to “plug” your mag?

The guns magazine needs to be plugged to hold no more than two rounds. Don’t believe detachable mags will meet that requirement.

My shotgun can use either Ar12 mags or Mka1919 mags and atleast in the mag that came standard with my gun, I can take the bottom of the mag off, then take the spring out and put three spent shells in to close the space where the spring normally compresses fully. Then I put the spring back in and reassembled it and then it can only fit 2 shells. I’ll probably just call DNR. It would just be funny out there changing mags in the swamp:slightly_smiling_face:

F/V Tinny will live forever

I kind of answered that in my other reply but i can take the bottom of my mag out and then the spring and I can block three shells worth of space and then add the spring back and put the mag back together. Then it only accepts 2 shells before the “plug” stops anymore shells being loaded.

F/V Tinny will live forever

Just playing devil’s advocate. The regs state the magazine has to be plugged in such a way as to require the gun has to be disassembled to remove the plug, not disassemble the magazine. I’m sure someone at DNR will do a head spin trying to answer your question though. :smiley:

Yessir i keep thinking about that regulation as well. maybe ill get lucky and it’ll work out for me! ill deffinetly reply with my findings!

F/V Tinny will live forever