Liability and Worker's Comp Insurance?

If some of you don’t mind sharing, what’s a figure on what you pay for:

$5 million liability (construction/installation/building liability [low voltage non-life safety/non-fire alarm stuff])?

1 employee worker’s comp?

I’ve tried to find info online but it’s all salesmen and forms to fill out, I am just looking for a general idea of how much it costs without having to go through a whole application process.


short question, long answer. It depends on more factors than are in your post. but here’s a shot

WC is $11/$100 of payroll for electrician - i.e. 11% of payroll. $40K in payroll would cost $4,400/year. [could be different/less if this is speaker/audio/vid wiring…]

GL costs less, probably about 1/3 to 1/2 of WC premium.

The premiums for both are variable based on actual payrolls incurred during the policy year, and subject to audit at the end of the year.

I got lots more worthless stuff where that came from.


What is your situation? I am in the payroll/w.comp business and am able to offer my clients w.comp at reduced rates, with no upfront deposit and no year end audit hassles.

If you would like to discuss further…shoot me an email

kennedy it sounds like you’re in employee leasing not WC? am I right?

Yeah, I’d like to know that too.

Fish Whisperer

Originally posted by PeaPod

kennedy it sounds like you’re in employee leasing not WC? am I right?

I am not in the employee leasing business, but my business does everything an employee leasing business does.

administrative services organization? what firm?