Likely to double 401K in next 7 years?

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

Edit to add…the OP is talking about 401k investments so I’m just rolling with stocks, etc. for this exercise.

Most 401Ks do not let you invest in individual stocks, so...

Wait, is that a “gotcha”? Or was your’s a “gotcha”? I just can’t tell the difference… Is it only a “gotcha” when I do it?

I figured since he was asking, he has a self-directed plan…

Not much since in asking if one can not place their own bets, so to say…

Just messin with ya man. I have yet to find anyone other than me with a self-directed 401K and I had to dig deep into the bowels of Fidelity to find it. I usually have to explain it to the Fidelity rep if I ever have to call them.

Originally posted by skinneej

Which reminds me… DoubleN, if you have any high interest debt, then that’s a good move for money too… I wouldn’t be in a hurry to pay off anything with 3% interest rates, but if you have any CC’s or other debts that carry something north of 5% I would be using any “extra” money to kill those.

No CC debt at all. Vehicle loan at 1.9% and 3% mortgage.

Yes, Self Directed. Gotta meeting with the tax man for some helpful advice on moving some of the 401k investments around. Been a good couple months tho:smiley:!

Wish would have had more of UNH.

BTW, know a few folks that like to jump in and out of Southern Co stock. Buy at what they think is high, move to cash and back in when it dips. One in particular says he doesn’t even worry about the dividend dates. Says he does better just jumping in and out…


Originally posted by skinneej

Just messin with ya man. I have yet to find anyone other than me with a self-directed 401K and I had to dig deep into the bowels of Fidelity to find it. I usually have to explain it to the Fidelity rep if I ever have to call them.

It’s all good…I’m just here for the entertainment!

DoubleN, I jump in and out of MUX (usually 1/3 of my position, though) all the time. I’m a firm believer in sticking with what you know/are comfortable with and riding the waves (there’s always waves)…and, I think gold (and the miners) are going higher. Hopefully, that happens and it makes it easier for me to get past my emotions of selling/not selling, if that makes sense.

One of my main downfalls with “trading” is my emotions. Sometimes, they make it hard to pull the trigger one way or another.

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

I figured since he was asking, he has a self-directed plan…

Not much since in asking if one can not place their own bets, so to say…

I hate the fact I used “since” there…and, that wasn’t an autocorrect thing

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1
Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

I figured since he was asking, he has a self-directed plan…

Not much since in asking if one can not place their own bets, so to say…

I hate the fact I used “since” there…and, that wasn’t an autocorrect thing

It's okay. You are not being judged on spelling.

My good looks?

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

My good looks?


Y’all buy you some MUX? :slight_smile: I may lighten up today…may not…lol

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

Y’all buy you some MUX? :slight_smile: I may lighten up today…may not…lol

I'm doubling down on pork bellies futures... A new food truck is opening up in Charleston which should create some demand.

You get a tip from Hilldawg?

My sell order at 4.02 didn’t go through today…it was just a random number.

You on the way to doubling your 401k, DoubleN?

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1
Originally posted by skinneej

Also, Schoolsy… You are being misleading… If you made 300% return on gold in 1 year, it’s safe to assume that you sure as heck aren’t “investing” in gold… That would make you a “trader”…

MUX was my main holding

And, btw, same thing you said about a good run in gold can be said about stocks. The thing about gold that you are wrong is it isn’t a commodity, but the powers that be would want you to think that way. It is a tier 1 asset…

Anyways, here’s to anot her good year


Seems more like river boat gambling to me. You are lucky evidently but that could change quickly with the risk you category you are in.

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

Originally posted by pescazorro
Originally posted by SchoolsOut1
Originally posted by skinneej

Also, Schoolsy… You are being misleading… If you made 300% return on gold in 1 year, it’s safe to assume that you sure as heck aren’t “investing” in gold… That would make you a “trader”…

MUX was my main holding

And, btw, same thing you said about a good run in gold can be said about stocks. The thing about gold that you are wrong is it isn’t a commodity, but the powers that be would want you to think that way. It is a tier 1 asset…

Anyways, here’s to anot her good year


Seems more like river boat gambling to me. You are lucky evidently but that could change quickly with the risk you category you are in.

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

Fair enough…

And, I understand the risk. I’m fairly certain people here “investing” have absolutely no clue as to the risk out there in the global system that could make 2008 look like a walk in the park. All that risk is still out there and has grown, but you are free to do what you want.

I sold all of AG, most of GORO and out of MUX totally today. 2016 got me 300%

Up 24% with what I just did since the end of Oct. 2016.

Planning to buy back in lower should things correct a bit.

By the way…gold has a good shot at 1500 if it can break through 1275 soon.

Long term bull market is intact