Just curious, if you accidentally catch a Loggerhead, is there any repercussions? Meaning, if you don’t know what you got until it comes up and you get hook out can you get in trouble?
i’ved hooked a few off folly pier.we used a drop net to get them up to remove the hook.use the same net to lower them back down.caught one a month ago had a big chunk out of it’s shell.the pier manager called turtle rescue.they came and picked it up.i have always tried to remove the hook if possible.
I “hooked up” with one at the jetties last year… just do your part to protect them, shouldnt be an issue with any authorities…
don’t bring one to the taxidermist…
King Fish
31’ Fountain
Here’s the link to the SCDNR Turtle Hook Removal Protocol:
Incidently, after reading it some time ago, I bought a length of the 3/4" pvc pipe for the boat thinking I’d be a good citizen in case I ever hooked a turtle. I cut the line and tried it once on a deeper hooked (yes, circle) bonnet and it worked like a charm. Messed around and came up with a new one with a slot so no need to cut the line. No need to get the fish above the water line to release.
I hooked a big one last summer at 4KI…first time it surfaced, hook was in the beak; second time up it was in the flipper, so I was lucky (I did not want to get my hand near that beak). I just cut the line right at the hook. Figured the hook would rust away. Hope I did the right thing. I don’t think I could have gotten that thing in the boat. It was huge! Other than a Cobia…that was the best fight of the year.
Key West 196;150 Yammie
Life Is Good…Gotta Love It!!!
I hooked one in Florida last year. Got him unhooked and released him unharmed. He was obviously a slow learner as he kept after our bait so bad we pulled anchor and moved a couple of miles.
thanks for the link hobo… always good to know.
King Fish
31’ Fountain