logging roads?

well i got what i THINK is a decent spot in georgia picked out and saw some fairly large deer and hog tracks in the area but only had 2-3 hours to scout an entire WMA before the lightning show began and wont make it out until i can bowhunt it in 2 weeks. the spot i have the most faith in is in the back of an old logging road through a ton of pines and once in the back has a couple trails going side to side and a couple oak trees right near where im going to hang my stand. it LOOKS like it otta be ok esp with the oaks but anyone have much luck with regular deer/pig movement with logging roads?

Old logging roads can be great. The path of least resistance , it would be better if it has grown up a little. Be careful other folks maybe using this road to get to where they are hunting. You would hate to be sitting there and people walking under you.

where im going to sit is several miles back into the WMA (requires 4x4 to get there) and is all the way at the end of the logging road that comes off from the dirt road to drive there. didnt see any orange tape or obvious signs of other hunters but of course being public land that can be a possibility even though its off the beaten path. the area is definitely grown in a little but still not bad to walk through the thinner trails (not big enough for a truck by any means) going side to side. not a whole ton of mud to see clean tracks but it looks like i should have a reasonable chance at a 20 yard shot at some form of meat.

Give it a shot, good luck!!!

Ohio Navy Nuke, Where did you go man? did you transfer to Georgia?? if so that hope you are having fun, we have had a slow start to the hunting season this year, plenty of does are walking around, but can’t shoot them yet. Anyway, hope your logging road pays off…talk to you later.

frankyd i wondered where you went! yup i transferred to kings bay, georgia and got a spot picked out in a WMA down here. not this weekend but the next i can go out with my bow after deer or hog…whoever shows up first. wish ya the best on base and try not to be like me and end up with a rattlesnake 4 feet from your face while on hands and knees tracking lol.