Looking for a crew 11/3

Rolling into Charleston next weekend and want to do some fishing. I have a 2005 265 Robalo with twin Honda 225’s rigged to fish and want to do some offshore fishing next Saturday, November 3rd (full day). Shoot me an email if you are interested in a ride and are willing to share in the cost of gas, ice and bait. Boat is docked at CHM

Weather permitting, Sails and Hoos are first choice; bottom fishing second if offshore is too sloppy.


willing to take an offshore newbie thats 14?

Early To Bed…
Early To Rise…
Fish Like Hell…
And Make up lies…

Not at this time.

Motley Crew

I am interested, what is the chip going to be around.

220 Proline 350hp MAGNUM
Never Guarantee Fish, Only Dead Bait!!!

I am interested - do you still have a spot avaliable?
