Looking for a New Leaning Post for my Sea Pro

I have a Sea Pro 2100CC Bay Boat and I would like a Leaning Post for it.
Nothing fancy, just welded aluminum and upholstered in white. I am betting there are several fabricators that are making them in Charleston area. Which ones should I contact? Thanks!

I’m interested in this too

I made mine for a sea pro. 2 straight rod holders and you can purchase the rest of the hardware on line. I will send photos tomorrow after I get to the boat

I kinda remember a guy who built poling platforms, leaning posts and custom aluminum welding down in maybe Beaufort. Perhaps he was doing it part time and maybe was in law enforcement full time. I would like to contact him.

Nature Boy, post pic!

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How much room do you have? I would think that there are already companies making something that would fit your application.

Or run down to Hankle and ask to measure one. Surly there’s one sitting on the lot. If not, Butler Marine on 17 might have one.

These look nice. I have no experience with these.

NB I would like to see what you did. I would rather make mine if possible than pay $1000 if it’s worth it. However, that one 23SF posted looks pretty good. Maybe Santa will bring me one if I’m good the rest of the year.

And its a long shot, but I’ve seen them outside pawn shops before for a few hundred bucks. At $1k, yeah I’d not be happy about that. Maybe $300-$400 in materials at most.

Capt Ed was the one that made a bunch of cool stuff from aluminum, but I haven’t seen him post in a while. He is super nice/helpful and would be a big help.

Palmetto Trooper did a lot of this stuff.

Name is Dave.


Not sure if still doing it…