Looking for King Mackerel ride wed/thurs..

Boat is in the shop, need a ride for me wednesday, or me and my grown son on Thursday. We have both been fishin King Mackerel since the 80’s in Southport, N. C, and now my son lives in Charleston. We both throw a 10’ 3/4" net, which I have new, never been in the water. I have 4-TLD15’s, if needed, 20 or so live bait rigs, ready to share expenses, clean boat, also am a CG captain if needed, I will drive the boat, and let you fish.

Have you ever fished in Charleston for kings? Reason i ask is i am new to king fishing and wouldnt mind learning a trick or two.I only have an 18’cc so dont know if that will do.:smiley: