Looking for part time help- Cash

Looking for someone willing to show up and work different odd jobs. Grass maintenance, light construction work, hauling trash, moving construction material. Would be great for a recent high school graduate.

I’ll pay cash. 2-4 times a week. Will pick up the right person and probably learn a thing or two.

Would I get to use the boat, dock, hunting property and the new Chevy truck on the other 3 or 4 days off?

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Requirement to be able to lift 50lbs… so does that count you out?

Getting a little chilly in here :laughing:

But seriously, that’s one heck of an opportunity. I wish I knew of a person who could take advantage of such a thing right now, good luck on your search!

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Good help is hard to find. I had a guy, but the last two days he was a no show no call. No excuse for that in my book.

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There’s an excuse alright, of that you can be certain. They are full of excuses.

However I doubt there was a real reason.

Alas, my days of steppin’ and fetchin’ are long gone.

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Mine too…

Long gone…