hello fellas,my 16 y.o. son completed his all day hunting course and is driving me nuts to take him.I’ve never hunted here but I would be glad to pay for a place to go or pay someone to take us? I’ll cover gas also? whatever it takes.Any help suggestions appreciated.thanks
will hunt anything? just wants the experience of actually hunting,thanks
Squirrels are in season. You can also kill hogs and coyotes. The public hunting areas are probably pretty empty now with deer season being over.
…and if you really want to have some fun shooting birds, get a tape for calling crows and play it over a boom box in the woods or a small clearing. Wait until you’ve got the whole ■■■■■ on top of you and start blasting. Crows are pretty smart, so you have to move after every time you light them up. I have eaten them, and they taste like very tender venison. It’s pretty tough to get past the fact you’re eating crow, though.
Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole
thanks for the reply,i appreciate it…crows? sounds like fun
(**()ed people from Ohio will eat just about anything, it seems! If you told them dog crap tastes like ice cream, they would run out and follow a dog around with a cone in their hand!
Originally posted by Easy(**()ed people from Ohio will eat just about anything, it seems! If you told them dog crap tastes like ice cream, they would run out and follow a dog around with a cone in their hand!
One guy at the cormorant meeting last night asked about eating them. He didn’t have a Ohio accent, either.
I’m from right here in North Charleston, BTW.
Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole
North being the operative word:smiley:
Botany Bay WMA on Edisto Island has a youth only Dove hunt this Saturday (Jan 11th). I dont know how many doves they have because when I was there a couple weeks ago I was only focused on deer. The fields are very nice and the property is amazing so it would be worth your time just for the experience. I would go to SCDNR website for more info.
Thanks for all the advice,I’m glad he is so enthused about hunting , now if I can get him more interested in fishing
If you can get him in the boat you can slowly get him interested in fishing. My daughter loved the boat but didn’t have the patience for sitting and waiting for a bite. She got bored real quick if she didn’t get a bite or catch anything. I started taking chicken necks and string with us. While anchored up I would put a piece of chicken on a string and let her crab while we soaked fish bait. Now we can go sit at the battery or anywhere else and we enjoy our day together. It’s all about figuring out how to get them to enjoy time out with dad.
1720 KW 110 Johnson
16’ Bonito 65 Johnson
Botany Bay has youth-adult only catch and release fishing in Jason’s lake (saltwater lake). I havent fished there because I havent had a chance to take a youth yet, but heard there are some monster fish in there and actually saw about a dozen reds about as long as my arm swarming around the drain pipes while the tide was moving (on the middle dike road).
They only allow fishing on certain days and I dont know if they will allow it while they are doing a youth hunt, but it wouldnt hurt to ask. I would look up the contact phone number on SCDNR website and give them a call. If they let you fish you could turn it into a cast & blast
Originally posted by benitomirandaThanks for all the advice,I’m glad he is so enthused about hunting , now if I can get him more interested in fishing
best of both worlds, marsh hen hunting is lotsa fun!
Redfish Baron Extraordinaire
Do you guys know off hand what type of gun needed to hunt small game? As well as birds? Assuming shot gun but what type of shells? I could look it up but more interesting talking to you guys.thanks again
I like a size 7 shot Remington Express shell for crows. Works good on squirrels too.
You have to use steel shot if you’re shooting on the water.
Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole
Thanks for reply, I tried calling botany bay about youth dove hunt but only answering machine . Do you guys know if you need to register or just show up? Any cost involved? Thanks again for any info
Originally posted by HoofArdedI like a size 7 shot Remington Express shell for crows. Works good on squirrels too.
You have to use steel shot if you’re shooting on the water.
Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole
That is incorrect. You are required to use steel shot while hunting waterfowl, or on national wildlife refuges. You can shoot marsh hens and doves over water with lead.
There is a list of all the public dove hunt dates on DNR website. Picks date and place off the link that suits you and you can just show up. I don’t think you would have to be licensed at Botany Bay but if someone hasn’t said it already, you cannot shoot. Only your son. PM me if you have any questions, I haven’t hunted Botany but have done several public Dove Hunts in the past.
172 Sea Hunt Triton
Laser Sailboat
There is a page at the back of the rules and regs book that lists all the different youth hunts.
1720 KW 110 Johnson
16’ Bonito 65 Johnson
Thanks again, I found it… My son is pumped …
Well, took my son on his first hunting trip at Botany Bay for some dove hunting . He was definitely excited and now addicted . Weather was not ideal for birds but he had a couple shots . Unfortunately the doves were faster to the draw. Thanks to all that spent the time responding to my questions.