Looking for some Work.

Some of you may know my oldest son Connor. He is a graduate of CofC and is now back down in Charleston attending an accelerated BSN program at MUSC. He is paying his own way through school (this time) through money saved and student loans. He doesn’t really have time for a real job as his week is pretty full but, he needs to find some way to make a little grocery money.

He is interested in weekend gigs, house sitting/pet sitting or something he could do on weekends or possibly evenings. If anyone has a need for such services, he, along with his mother and I would be thankful if you’d consider him. He’s a good young man and will do a great job, whatever it may be. You can PM me if you know of anything.


I would look into working for Snyder. They do a bartending service called Spike for events that is very flexible and can be good money.

I sure wish we had something going on in Charleston right now. I would definitely find something for him to do. You don’t see a whole lot of kids nowadays trying to make their own way. It says a lot the way he was raised.:+1:

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

I sure wish we had something going on in Charleston right now. I would definitely find something for him to do. You don’t see a whole lot of kids nowadays trying to make their own way. It says a lot about the way he was raised.:+1:.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Thank you both. I’ll have him look into Snyder’s. I’ll also give his mother the majority of the credit for how he turned out. Both the boys got their mother’s brains and that is a good thing.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Did he/you ever think about the National Guard? It’s pretty much a full ride for one weekend a month. Lot better pay than McDonalds.


D, if he comes home one weekend, I can put him to work around the house. I have plenty of odd stuff I need help with.

Try Chic Fil A. They will hire for the weekend

Double D.

Free medical and retirement as well. Any future employer can not discriminate or fire him for being a member and getting called out.

Send me your number. I know someone looking to hire for part time doctor office work in West Ashley. Might be a good learning experience too.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Thanks all for your input. He actually did look into the Navy reserves and didn’t rule that out. Ricky, I’ll PM you my number.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Send me his number. I currently have a board privacy fence that needs pressure washing inside and out in the near future. Been home a lot with Covid to get other stuff done, but may also periodically be in need of some help around the yard and with dog sitting.

