Looking For

Hello to all,I am looking for a small pallet about 2x3 feet. I have seen some in the past. It is for a project for my pup. Thanks

Post Courier has them out back Don’t know what size.

22 Sea Hunt

What’s your pup going to do, build a dog house or something:smiley:


15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Thanks to all, I drove by Post and Courier,zero small ones and I e-mailed the post on craigslist.
Easy she is my assistant and keeps me straight when I go off track.It is for a lil hut for her. I find most dogs like to see whats happening in their yard. I had a very large leanto type for my Cheasapake and she loved. It had a roof but she could see all around.

We have a bunch of small paper skids.
420 Wando Park Blvd in Mt Pleasant (Arcadia Publishing)
Feel free to help yourself to any pallets in the back of the building near the loading ramp.

Scott Fulton
AgentOwned Realty

Key West 1720

there’s a place on highway 162 on the way to Hollywood that has a ton of them and are giving them away. I don’t know the name of the place. It’s on the right side of the road past Stono River Golf course and before you get to the town of Hollywood.