I have some biased friends who say get a sage, get a st.croix, get a winston, or a loomis. For under 300 dollars i want to try to get a used or new setup in 8wt. I know you get what you pay for but im new to this type of fishing and I cant justify paying alot for something I may not stick with. Any suggestions as to what i should get. I was thinking about getting a 2 piece. Is that a bad decision? What would be the best type of reel to buy. I currently have a waterworks in my possesion and maybe i should hold onto it. Any Insight would be great. I NEED HELP. I KNOW NOTHING but i have been practicing with a 1 wt and that sucks bc i feel like im going to snap it everytime
This should get you started. We hashed this issue out recently.
“Fishing is alot like sex…when its good,it’s really good, and when its bad, its still pretty good.”
A friend of mine was in your same position and ended up getting a redington and he really likes it, great rod for the money and a lot of their rods still have lifetime warranties. I started on a 7wt LL bean rod and it worked perfectly fine also. This is not to say that the really expensive rods aren’t worth the money though, recently got a winston and it casts like a dream.
I really like the four piece for travel over the two. Much easier to store as well. And the good thing is I think the newer rods don’t have much of a difference between 2 or 4 piece action wise.
There is no normal life, there’s just life.
Tarpon 140
Knot the Reel World Fly Fishing LLC
With all that other gear you have for sale whats the difference??? Spend the ducks and get a Quality rod and if you don;t like it just sell it here like the rest of your stuff… Either that or trade some fo that lighter stuff for a heavier weight rod…
“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
Charleston Director- SCKayakfishing.com
Tarpon 160os
keep the waterworks reel, that are great drags and hold up well. As far as the rods, as everyone will attest. cast as many as you can and see what works best for you. spend the money…think about how expensive it is to get into golf…this is nothing. i def try that z axis 7 on your other post.
I’m confused a bit BlakeVO? Weren’t you the same person that just posted that topic that went crazy cuz you were tryin to sell a BUNCH of fly equipment? Maybe it wasn’t you… I dunno…
22’Sea Hunt 200 yamaha
14’ jon boat - 2 paddles
El Cid '02
Farm Bureau Insurance
Yeah that was me. Thats not my stuff though. Ive got a buddy in his 70’s that asked me to help him sell some of his stuff that he cant keep. The stuff he has though is not what im looking for.