I’m a longtime South Carolinian, currently living up north, but will be in the Charleston area on April 1st and would love to get out on the water and catch some fish. Inshore, near-shore, off-shore, i’m down for anything, and will gladly help pay for gas, bring drinks, food, etc…
I’ve done a fair amount of inshore fishing, lots of freshwater, and a little bit of offshore, but i’m a quick learner. Can meet anywhere in the Charleston metro area whenever - early morning is fine if that’s when you’d like to launch - on April 1st.
My trips to the Charleston area are unfortunately getting more and more infrequent, and i’d really appreciate the opportunity to get out on the big water to do some fishing. I can bring my own gear if it’s in- or near-shore.
My number’s 312-907-8843 and email is davidwbrinn@gmail.com