Looking to join a crew Jan 3rd or 4th

Like the post says, I am looking to join a crew for some offshore fishing this Saturday or Sunday. I will gladly chip in for my share of the expenses. Give me a PM or call me at 859 351 2427 if you have any open spots. Thanks.

14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.

Just gonna bottom fish at Low Country Angler’s or 4KI reef; tomorrow about 0830 to 2-3. If you don’t get a ride offshore, and want BSB’s mostly, give me a call or PM by 0730 (704-608-9092). Will leave from Folly Ramp. My neighbor can’t go, so currently there’s only me in the boat.

McKee Bay Classic
Yam 115

Sorry stickman. I did not get your post until this morning so I wasn’t able to make it out with you. Thanks for the offer.

14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.

If you see offshore/pier reports you’ll see you missed a lot of fog. Also lots of BSB’s if you like those.

Stickman, I had the pleasure of making it out with on Marshgrass today and the fog was very thick on the way out. Any day fishing is still a great day though.

14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.

Originally posted by JordanOnaYak

Stickman, I had the pleasure of making it out with on Marshgrass today and the fog was very thick on the way out. Any day fishing is still a great day though.

14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.

you got to fish with Justin then,great bottom fisherman and all around good person…glad you found a ride…

Pics and details , pics and details
I’m bummed because we ended up skipping church AND I STILL didn’t fish

There is nothing - absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Kenneth Grahame