looky looky


"live " oak???

well at least my flowers and plants are enjoying the rain :slight_smile:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Is that a Gold Finger Banana?

Ima throw a monkey in yo back yard tomarah…

seriously though, looking good Penny, when is the nanner pickin’ party? and is your pool heated?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

sand n suds…they are called “ice creams”…but i did get two new types this year. Frank fleming “simply bananas” is a wonderful contact for trees if anyone id interested. lives on james island and has a real banana planatation in brazil and raises them here too. he is a wonderful source of knowledge on them…and has got me hooked on them now!

bonzo…we need to have get together soon. and you better not be raiding my naner trees! water temp still at 83…iwent swimming in rain last night…donnie said i was crazy…i asked why??? was going to get wet any way :slight_smile:

btw…new sign

ok…so im off the next 4 days…someone make the rain go away! guess its reorganize tackle box and straighten garage day…

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

I’ve never eaten a US-grown banana, but I’ve had the small ones right off the trees down in Nicaragua and in Hawaii. They taste more banana-y than the ones I buy in the grocery store.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

yea, def an inside weekend for sure…unless you are fishing the Miracles tourny, then you might as well just get wet and start drankin!

oh and yes, I’m down for a pool party!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Bonzo72

oh and yes, I’m down for a pool party!

sounds good.

but I think she’s working.

does she have to be home for us to meet up? she’s ok with this right.

Donning my “burglar gear” and gonna go raid a nanner tree… (Hold my beer, Watch this!)

I don’t know what type mine are, but they are growing strong. When was the last time you had nanners on that bush?

“No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood.” Anonymous



195 Sea Fox Bay Fisher

This is the first year. I had mistakenly cut my trees back every year…frank set me straight on what I was doing wrong.

Did you know that the smaller row of blooms below the bigger ones and the nanners are male blooms…and you won’t have any fruit where they are.? I’ve learned all kinds of stuff from frank. All I can say is I’m loving it…few more days and will cut the first stalk…

Ok…we will have a pool party soon. I have 2 weeks off starting end of month…we will try to do. It then.

Clothes are not “optional”
No speedos
No "fart bubble "parties
Everyone must come out once a hour to go try pee in side the house
And If I see a look of relief cross someone’s face and a yellow tinge to the water …you will be in trouble!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16