Louis "mdaddy" Kral just got his angel's wings...

It is my regret to say, but my honor to tell you know about the life of Louis “mdaddy” Kral, who passed away and went to meet our Heavenly Father on March 5, 2022, at the age of 69 years young. Quite a few of us had the pleasure of meeting mdaddy at the old CF.com oyster roasts at the James Island County Park and the WAOMC. Pecan pies were his favorite thing to contribute, and he always brought a lot of them! DFreedom, Stonoman, Penfishn, Marshgrass, 23Sailfish, the Picketts and many others enjoyed his pies! We even saved one for ChrisV one year and he was most appreciative, as he called me the next week to say how awesome it was. Louis invited me to fish with him multiple times, but I never did. I never made the time to take him up on his offer, and for that I am sad. Most of y’all snapperheads are at least as old as I am, and I celebrate 50 years on this Earth this year. So, let’s ride our good horses first. Let’s stop and smell the roses, or the bullchit, whichever it might be. Take your friend up on that invitation to go fishing. Let’s remember what brought all of us together in the first place, CHARLESTON FISHING.COM!
Louis’ wife, Marsha, reached out to me to let me know of his passing and the details of his life. Of that I am most grateful. Louis loved my cat litter buckets and thought it was the funniest thing in the world that I used them as the oyster buckets for our roasts…until he asked me for a couple of them, for his own roasts!
Marsha asked that I share a few things about Louis with all of you, because this site brought him so much joy.

“Louis Anthony Kral, age 69, left this earth on March 5th, 2022 due to a sudden massive cardiopulmonary event and his heart could not recover. He was born in Biloxi, Mississippi on January 28th, 1953. His profession was nurse anesthesia, and after 34 years he retired in 2020. He was happily retired and would say “ I love being retired”. His wife, Martha, and children , Louis and Maddie, he loved above all else. In his younger years, he was

Prayers to his family.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Wow, God Bless friends and family, as well as him.


Bad news on the door step for sure

Such sad news.
A life well lived…but a life now gone that will leave a lot of emptiness to those who knew and loved him
Our thiughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Yet another reminder to live life to the fullest everyday…as tomorows arent promised.

miss'n fish'n

177scout sportsfisher

I really enjoyed his posts and would love to think we were on the same side. He made me laugh and I wished we could have met and shared a cold beer. My warmest condolences to his family, friends and acquaintances. May we meet in heaven to enjoy eternity together.

I was really bummed out when you called me today Carl. I have met a lot of fine folks here on CF and Mdaddy truly fit that bill. He really was an accomplished guy and what you saw was what you got, nothing pretentious or fake. I truly loved his ribbing you about the cat litter buckets. I always enjoyed his posts and will miss them and be a little sad knowing he is no longer a part of our community.

Thanks for letting us all know. Thoughts and prayers for his lovely wife and kids.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I never got to meet him in person, but I did enjoy reading his posts on here. My prayers and best wishes to and for his family.

RIP mdaddy

Glass Raised! God Speed Mr. Kral. Prayers for the Family.

I remember a lot of banter between Bonzo, Peepad, and Mdaddy. Peepad in a white braid thong and bonzo’s cat litter buckets…

this sucks.

I’m so sorry, Marsha and kids. He obviously loved his life- it was evident in everything he said and did. He was a generous, thoughtful, intelligent man with a (**() fine sense of humor. I regret never meeting him, but I enjoyed our online and phone conversations very much.

Will make a donation today… and of course glasses will be raised in his honor. I know he’d do the same for me… or the pig.

Rest in peace, Maddy’s Daddy.

Terrible news to hear but thanks for the heads up. I always enjoyed mdaddys participation on here as well… at least his wife won’t have to worry about him using her rugs for bunk carpet anymore :smiley:

He was a good one, a hat tip and a prayer your family’s way, you will be missed!

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

Rest in peace brother.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017