Madmike and I tried the early am topwater bite with poppers and crease flies to no avail. Decided to head into a shallow area and see if we saw any dead low pushing. As soon as we pulled in a school with backs out of the water started working down the flat. We switched over to the soon to be famous Wando Mondo. I got on the platform and we began working the edge looking for pushes.
Found tons of fish and had some good shots that I missed the cast on, but the Mondo came through and I got this guy to eat.
BTW I AM happy to catch the fish, you can see the sun in my glasses and I think it made me grimace and look a bit bitter.
Mike came up and promtly gave our Wando Mondo to an oyster. I grabbed a fly and decided that it would be a good idea to see if the electric Chicken Bonefish slider would also be swap worthy. We stalked another set of cruisers and mike made a dandy cast in front of this matching 20" fish with the ECBS.
I feel pretty good about the creations for the swap now that they have the seal of approval from our local redfish.