Live in Fort Mill but fish most weekends out of Mt. Pleasant. Would definitely be interested.
Thanks Tommy. We are a saltwater fishing club that is family oriented. We have several yakker members (including myself!). If anyone is interested our January meeting is 1/15 at Summerville country club. Come see what we are about.
2000 SeaPro 180CC w/ Yammy 115 2 stroke
1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty” |
Personal Trout Slot Limit: 16"-20" Creel: 2
I am glad to see the club evolve and I think we have some great people pushing it in that direction. The tournament idea is something I would really like to see. Since we already have the HOW tournament in the fall that is for charity, how would everyone feel about a payout style tournament instead? There are a ton of tournaments out there that give to charity but our sport lacks in real incentives for the anglers. The more the incentives there are the more likely we can bring people in from out of town. This just a thought and I wanted to put some feelers out there.
I’m up for whatever, but personally, I don’t think money and friends mix well.
I think a kayak fishing club would be great and I’d be willing to try anything to get it off the ground, but
I’d rather keep it more casual and do it for the fun and the braggin’ rights…just my 2 cents.
Count me in. I can only fish. Sundays though. Already spoke with DDO in Haddrells the other day. Just keep me posted you know where to find me.
experience noun \ik-#712;spir–#601;n(t)s
the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation
that thing you get just moments after you needed it.
LGB asked me to set up the organizational meting. I will post the meeting time and location this week. Watch for it.
It would be good to have a FB page for this.
Originally posted by Slim ShadyIt would be good to have a FB page for this.
Here ya go…please “like” and “share”!
maybe do shirts up and for those who want them and charge for shirts to help with the cost
Fast work on the FB page…looks great.
Looking forward to the organizational meeting.
I’m in , when and where.
Keep the Stars and Bars flying.
205 Scout SportsFish
150 Yamaha 4 stroke
15 ft War Eagle
40 Yamaha 4 stroke
I’m in.
OK here is the information related to the first of several Organizational Meetings for getting the Low Country Kayak Fishing Club started. Locations of the meetings will be distributed between the various locations of the Charleston Angler and Haddrell’s Point.
Currently the first one is planned for February 2nd (Sunday) at 3 PM at the West Ashley Charleston Angler.
We do want to keep the meeting to an hour maybe 1.5 hours at the max. So here is the agenda of what we would like to initially cover.
- Welcome & Short Introductions
- Approve Proposed Name: Low Country Kayak Fishing Club
a. If not Brain Storm new name - Interim Leadership
a. Chairman
b. Secretary/Treasurer
c. Facebook/Web Master
d. By-Laws Steering Committee
e. Events Committee (Planning of Meet & Fish/Tournaments) - Set next Organizational Meeting & Location
If you feel that something needs to be address please send LGB or myself a PM and we will add it to the agenda.
i would be interested in becoming a member.I have two kayaks and would have no problem letting someone use one of them? do you guys know anyone that repairs kayaks? have a freedom hawk stand up and my son broke off the two back pieces that allow for stand up stability…thanks
How aboiut a logo? Do we have any graphic artists that could put together some samples?
If two wrongs don’t make a right, try three.
Originally posted by benitomirandai would be interested in becoming a member.I have two kayaks and would have no problem letting someone use one of them? do you guys know anyone that repairs kayaks? have a freedom hawk stand up and my son broke off the two back pieces that allow for stand up stability…thanks
Go see Dolphin Dave at Time Out Sports in Mt. Pleasant…
I have an idea for a logo I will make up some ruff skiteches and I do mean ruff:smiley: and post them and bring them to the meeting.
14’ Heritage Redfish
everyone should believe in something; i believe i’ll go fishing
-henry david thoreau
Great idea on the logo.
Another idea could be, Lowcounty Kayak Anglers. Easier to abbreviate for logos. Not a big deal just saying. Some people may be turned away by “Club”, club has a cult like likeness to it nowadays. Just my 2cents it really doesnt matter.
Originally posted by Slim ShadyAnother idea could be, Lowcounty Kayak Anglers. Easier to abbreviate for logos. Not a big deal just saying. Some people may be turned away by “Club”, club has a cult like likeness to it nowadays. Just my 2cents it really doesnt matter.
Thanks - good name! All names are up in the air - I just named the thread and the FB page in the interim, until a permanent name can be voted on by the membership.