Make sure you have your tags, deer seasons opening up across the state
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Sept. 10, 2019)
Archery deer season opens in the piedmont of South Carolina (Game Zone 2) and antlerless deer harvest opportunities begin in Game Zones 2, 3 and 4 on Sept. 15.
Deer season opens in Game Zone 1 on Oct. 1. If you don’t have your deer tags or need to purchase additional tags the time to act is now.
Lifetime and Senior/Gratis/Disability Licensees and youth hunters under the age of 16 must request the free base set of tags annually.
All hunters may purchase up to 4 individual antlerless tags ($5 each for residents, $10 each for nonresidents). Tags are valid on any day beginning Sept. 15 in Game Zones 2, 3, 4 and Oct. 1 in Game Zone 1 until the end of the deer hunting season. Hunters who purchase all 4 optional antlerless tags will receive 2 free bonus tags that are valid for antlerless deer on private land only in Game Zones 3 and 4 to help control deer damage to agriculture.
Additional antler restricted buck tags are also available for purchase.
Tags can be purchased or free tags can be requested in multiple ways:
Phone: 1-866-714-3611
In person: At SCDNR offices located in Charleston, Clemson, Florence, York and in West Columbia at the S.C. State Farmer’s Market
For more details and information related to tags go to:
For specific questions or issues call SCDNR licensing at: 803-734-3833