making an M2 carbine legal?

If someone bought an M2 carbine 30 years ago in a private sale with no stamp.Is there any way to make it legal today?

Well,I think I found the answer.It can’t be done, and is a felony conviction waiting to happen.

Too bad.

Theoretically one would advise such said person to remove such questions from a public forum.

  1. possession of a full auto weapon with out a tax stamp is a felony.
  2. the grace period to register such a weapon is long gone. (you cant get a tax stamp for it)
  3. even converting the weapon to semi auto would still be a no-no because the receiver is considered full auto making the weapon still a machine gun.
    At lease that is my understanding of it.
    Went through something similar with a colt m-16 a few years back when I was trying to purchase it from a widow, she thought she was in for a 20 K pay day when no trace of a tax stamp or record in his gun trust could be found the project was abandoned. I wouldn’t get caught with that thing the word “unforgiving” comes to mind.

Sabalo 21 150 Yamaha

Key West Stealth 150 V-max (SOLD)

I am assuming this is all “hypothetical”? wink, wink

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Just leave it in the safe until the zombie apocalypse. Then such laws don’t matter.

I know of this situation, but it certainly Isn’t me.As sad as it would be, I guess the best place for it is at the bottom of a river.

Originally posted by mckee16

I know of this situation, but it certainly Isn’t me.As sad as it would be, I guess the best place for it is at the bottom of a river.

Heck no.

It’s like a moonshine still. If you keep your mouth shut you generally have no problem, but when you start telling everyone about it then it gets lot’s of unwanted attention.

Could always wax fill the receiver end of the barrel then fill it with sand 1/4" to the tip and then melt some lead and fill the 1/4" gap. Weapon is rendered useless, but could easily be brought back in service if needed.

I’ve got an M1, would love to own an M2. :wink::wink:

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

not worth it

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

I think it’s the receiver that makes it illegal, not the barrel … :wink:

Originally posted by Reelly Old

I think it’s the receiver that makes it illegal, not the barrel … :wink:

I could be completely wrong but if the barrel is leaded, I thought the rifle is rendered unusable. Lot’s of weapons were shipped back to the states after being rendered “unusable”.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Doesn’t seem like much trouble to convert it to an M 1. I would change it over to an M 1 and “forget” where I hid the extra parts that make it an M2. See the video.


The lead in the barrel thing may have worked in the past to meet some legal definition, but it definitely doesn’t now. The receiver is the firearm, and the receiver is a full-auto.

If it’s been quietly out of the way for three decades, why not a few more? But yes, there is some risk.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Just make an M 1 out of it. Takes less than 5 minutes, no tools needed and you are legal.


Convert it to legal and bury the well greased spare parts in a place you’ll never forget/lose. If you have land I certainly wouldn’t hide it at the house if avoidable.

First, Most, Biggest

Isn’t the gun stamped with M2 on it?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Yep,stamped M2.Nothing else matters.Guy is in the trades,with access to industrial stamping machines.I suggested he destroy it.