Mary-Land/Virginia report..

Well I am home form the boondoggle… I managed to fish in Maryland only one day and got bupkiss for it… found a part of a river that was supposed to be loaded with smallies but apparently I had the wrong flies or got lied to :wink: Virginia was a little better… My brother has a 14" LM in his fish tank along with a 10" yellow perch that I did nab with a baitfish pattern :wink::smiley: I was trying to get pix but a 9ft rod in his living room and trying to getthe fish and rod in the photo was impossible :smiley: I loaded up the yak and hit Powathan creek near his house and about the 3rd cast I nabbed a 13" pickrel, then the deluge unleashed… I couldn’t get the camera out since it was raining so hard so I just kept fishin inthe rain… nabbed another LM about 10" and had sumptin HUGE breal me off 4 times, lost 3 clousers and a big wooly bugger, never did figure out what it was… I figure it was a big pickrel or a bowfin… who knows… had a pretty good time though…

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
Charleston Director-
Tarpon 160os

could have been a gar, they often frequent same areas as pickerel up that way…


i feel your pain man, drove a couple hours to get to a smallmouth tailrace in the upstate yesterday and got skunked, but the deep water right below the dam had tons of gar that saved the day.

JEDI!!! call me dude asap,i got yer monster red hemmed up in a 10 sq foot radius -daily. less shots than last go, but 3x the size. 3X .