Maximum fee for non-consensual towing?

Good job. +1 for the good guys.

13ft Whaler with 25hp Johnson

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

On a separate note, if you are involved in an accident and have to have your car towed, do not let the responding officer call Turkey’s towing… The first time they towed the wife’s car, I went to their yard the next day to inspect the damage with the adjustor and the car was missing parts including the stereo and speakers… The second accident (neither were her fault), by the time I arrived at the scene, Turkey’s had the car on their flat bed. I informed the driver that I wanted it towed to my house, which was much closer than their yard. He informed me that the towing fee would be almost 4 times what I would (or my insurance) company would have to pay if I didn’t let them tow it to their yard. I said, no, drop it. The driver then informed me that it would be $50 to drop it there. I wanted to donkey punch him in the throat, but the thought of spending a few hours in jail overruled my anger. Anyway, I had them tow it to their yard, I rode with the driver and while we were on the way to their yard, I called Jennings and had one of their drivers waiting to tow the car to the house… Bottom line, Turkey’s Towing wanted to take it to their yard so they could pick through it for spare parts to steal and charge the insurance company for storage… You have a choice of who comes to the scene to tow your vehicle, I would suggest you use someone other than Criminals, I mean Turkey’s Towing…

A bad day fishing is much better than a good day at work.

You have a choice of who comes to the scene to tow your vehicle,

Unless the police call for the tow. I wonder how much the PDs get as a kickback on the 400% markup on the standard towing rate?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by pitviper0404

I called Jennings and had one of their drivers waiting to tow the car to the house…

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>
That is out of the frying pan into the fire! Worked there years ago for a little while, wouldn’t let them near my car without me watching!

Had my truck stolen a few years ago. It was stolen right out of my driveway with the doors locked, my keys hanging on the key board in my locked house, with the front bumper within 3 feet of my locked backyard gate, with no broken glass, or signs of forced entry. Long story,short…N. Chas. police recovered it a week later and informed me I had to go to their approved towing company’s storage yard to pick it up. My truck was in pristine condition prior to the theft. When they drove it around front, and through the gate of the impound yard, the front left tow hook was bent out of shape and the front bumper was yanked loose. Response…“It was like that when we picked it up, that’ll be $160.” Then while I inspected the vehicle further, they locked up and left me and my wife standing there with “vapors” in the gas tank. Had to go to a gas station and buy a 2 gallon gas can and a couple gallons of gas in order to drive it out of their “parking lot”. Complete A-holes with zero ethical standards. I carry a $1000 deductible on the paid for truck as it keeps the insurance rates down. $800 estimate to fix the bumper and tow hook. Sorry, lyin’ SOB’s.

Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax

Skinny… Was it cravins towing ( I don’t care… if they don’t like the truth than don’t rip people off)? that same thing happened to me over in Avondale… $365 Cash… only… but it wasn’t covered by the city’s law because the 1 lot I parked in was not technically within the City… man I’m still furious about that and it was almost a year ago… I even contacted an attourney… said I could present the case based on the same things you found in law, but it’s a civil matter and could prabably cost me as much to take it to court as it would to get the $$ back… I have a friend who is CPD and they said they have continued to have problems with lot trolls… but typically it’s just like my case where the actual property is not within city limits so it’s not covered by the city’s ordenance…

“The Wet Dream”
20’ Pioneer 197
150hp Suzuki 4-Stroke

It was not cravins. Probably the biggest payback a concerned group of citizens could do is to push for city ordinances to put a cap of $75 on a nonconsensual tow. Think about it this way. If they are making thousands of these tows a year and getting paid $170, the big boss ain’t gonna like it when they get a salary reduction down to $75. I think if people got mobilized and hit up city council, maybe something like this would have a chance. Would be interesting, and a big kick in the nuts to the towing companies!

By the way, they MUST ACCEPT CREDIT\DEBIT by law.

Originally posted by joseph69
Originally posted by pitviper0404

I called Jennings and had one of their drivers waiting to tow the car to the house…

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>
That is out of the frying pan into the fire! Worked there years ago for a little while, wouldn’t let them near my car without me watching!

I have never had a problem with them, but I am a AAA member, so maybe they act right because AAA will pull their contract…

A bad day fishing is much better than a good day at work.