First trip was May 2. due to late start leaving Bonneau started trolling around 9:30. Caught 9 Kings and 4 grouper(first trolling)by 11:15, Bottom critters for about a hour including BSB, trigger, white grunts and the amazing ARS up to 20 pounds. Second trip May16 was also great, dropped trolling lines @ 9:15 and got 6 good kings (18-25pounds) started bottom fishing and BSB, white grunts and you guessed it ARS! 16 total while trying for grouper(zero by the way) in four areas up to 7 miles apart they are everywhere. Plenty of king steaks and fillets…we love them! smoked, grilled, or fried hard to beat fresh, awesome fish. sorry could only load one pic?
Kencraft 23T twin 175f Suzuki's
Well done sir. Thanks for the report and all the pictures. Looks like you have King fishing down.
I want to go King Fishing*
*PQ circa 2010
That’s a haul there fo sho!
“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017
LOL, Just realized i put 2020! These were caught this year 2021, the kings are hot right now. I’m not sure now to edit in the new site.
Kencraft 23T twin 175f Suzuki's