Mayhem & Madness - Heart Break & Redemption

Late report: Spent last week at SI on family vacation. Got to fish 3 days and here is the report.

Sunday - got pushed around by the T-storms at Comanche. First drop saw immediate action, only to get destroyed by the Cudas. One Black Fish in the boat and 3 lost rigs. Rookie crew reeling too slow, I think. Gotta get them in the boat quick. Anyway, ended the day in the Gardens with a decent mess of fish. Family Fish Fry is on!

Monday - right back to where we left off Sunday. Huge heart breaker…I think you can see it on the young man’s face as we told him he had to throw it back. :angry:

Did manage another nice haul of Black Fish and Beeliners.

Tuesday - worked the Black Banks and had our 5 man limit of Black Fish in 1 hour. No Triggers or Beeliners. Decided to troll back home and got the Day Maker.

Best catch of this young ladies life. Best gaff shot of my life. [:0] Right in the head and as he was quickly coming over the side, he did what Cobia do (to me anyway) and flipped off the gaff, hit the top of the gunnel and was headed back to sea. As he was landing in the water, somehow I hit him again, pure luck, maybe not. This time he landed in the bottom of the boat. When I went to remove the hook, found he had broken the line off the skirted ballyhoo rig. Wow were we lucky!

The J Team
Mayhem & Madness

Had a heart breaker close to that one last year, unfortunately mine didn’t end well :frowning:

Gorgeous red snapper.

Nice haul !! very nice snapper

Nice catch. Like your boat also. I have a 23 Sport. Don’t see to many PRO-LINES around here

When are we going to be able to keep ARS? 2 3-day weekends in July is what I heard?

I heard they postponed the season to august.

Originally posted by TennentJr

When are we going to be able to keep ARS? 2 3-day weekends in July is what I heard?

28 WA Hydra Sport
Twin 225 4 stoke Yammies
“Fin Loco”

thanks for the report… awesome snapper