McEntire airshow

They put on a very nice show yesterday. Quite a few static expos on the ground for all to see, kiddie bounce houses, food/beverages, and a wail of an airshow IMO. Attached are some of my fav pics. F-22 and P-51 in lockstep, F-35, A-10, Chinook, C-17, B-25, and the “pièce de résistance” the absolute hell (simulated by ground charges so probably only about 1/10 of reality) brought to bear by 6 F-16s.

Thank you to all our service people past, present, and future.

That F35 is one ugly sob. When I got out in 08, they were supposed to be getting them at Shaw and McEntire, but I guess they are still behind schedule on development and production.

I don’t miss that flight line at all!

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki