Me again, anyone know what

This weed is???

Grows every spring, but the chickens love it when I pull up a bunch and toss in the run.

It lays down bad when mowing, so takes an extra swipe. I think both pics are same plant, But two different blooms??? Thanks in advance, NN


Could be

Here’s the link

Not sure? I saw an advertisement for an app that identifies all manner of plant and trees using the phones camera. Anyone have any experience with this? Not sure what app costs?

at least we finally got our topic posted!

My son has that app I think. I’ll try to remember to ask him.

Looks like henbit and dandelion.

There’s an app called ‘plantnet’ that is free to download and is pretty accurate on identification from photos.

Well dang, post approved…took half day off and took DIL and grands to land to plant a few things, then back home to let them feed and mess with the chickens.

Good stuff!!!

I know the broadleaf stuff is dandelions, it was the other stuff I was curious of.

I think from what y’all have sent I have some chickweed and Henbit…so far.

The chickens love this stuff for sure. It’s thick in garden area I did not plant this year.


“Post Approved”?

All I need to know …

Hey, you can’t be too careful. What if someone posted some offensive plant photo?

Those offensive plants are out there…

Try spraying it with a selective herbicide (Speedzone) in a small area as test hit and make sure it doesn’t hurt the rest of the green around it since it appears to be non-turf and just green foliage around it. That herbicide generally hits the broadleaf spectrum

That’s perverted.

Or, cut off that middle appendage and call it a girl carrot.

more importantly, how does that carrot identity

Not perverted in the least! Just funny as heck! It doesn’t take a lot to make me laugh and in today’s society that girl carrot comment has me rolling!