sad state of affairs, asked 3 very good fishing friends what memorial day was about! they weren’t sure! Its a sad statement of our educational sys.these are smart successful business people! we are memorializing the vets and the sacrifices that they and their families have made over the years so we could sit on the beach and drink beer on a paid holiday!My people were immigrants, my dad being the first in our family to grad from college, earn a Phd and serve his country. I’m a vietnam vet and both my sons have served more than one tour in the deserts of foreign lands. Its not important what you think, but they think they are doing it for you and yours!God bless our soldiers and their families.
spent the weekend with one son and his fam, who will deploy for the next year, leaving his job and the weekends we enjoy so much behind, we will miss him!
Did you get to do any fishing yet Ed? I’m heading out of Georgetown for some trolling tomorrow and the off to Myrtle Beach for trolling/diving on Monday. I’ll let you know how it goes.
If you will be in Myrtle Beach at all this next week and want to fish give me a call.
14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Kayak, SCUBA, or both.
B/C You are correct. People now days just look at the time off work and not why they receive it. I am a retired Marine who spent a many long days and nights in god forsaken countries defending our freedom. I don’t believe anyone owes me anything but we need to acknowledge the fact that men and women gave their lives so we can enjoy ours. I recommend if you can ever spend a Memorial Day in Winneconee, Wis do it, you will see a whole town that still remembers the sacrifice our service members gave. It will be good for your sole and renew your belief that people still follow long standing traditions that most people forgot.
A wise man once said “Do as I say not as I do” Good advice when I tell you that.
Technically speaking Memorial Day is for soldiers who died in battle not for living vets - thats Veterans day but anyhoo I completely agree. Its a sad state of affairs when anyone over the age of 21 doesnt know what these holidays mean. Thanks for service!
Ed… Thanks for the reminder of what is important! Not many folks sit back and say “thank you” to those that have given their lives so that we can live ours. Thank YOU for your serivce, and your sons, and their famlies as well. Freedom is not free, as we all know, and the people who have paid the price should be acknowledged and respected as such. Every day should be a Memorial Day, if this country had it’s “head screwed on straight”. If we can’t make every day a Memorial Day, lets at least get rid of “Labor Day”, and turn THAT date into a Memorial Day as well. These two dates shouldn’t/can’t coexist on our calendar. Labor day needs to be removed, and replaced with something that represents this country properly.
PS: When do you and AugieDog wanna go diving again? Have not shot any fish since last summer!!!
PS: If a fly lost it’s wings, would it be called a walk?