Michael Slager Trial

Originally posted by runbabyrun


Skinnee allot of info here for you to check out. During the trial prosecutors dropped N. Charleston police charge against jury foreman [:0] Check out video of foreman as well.

Not sure what that has to do with anything. Elaborate on what you think the impact is.

I just thought it gives the appearance of impropriety. If the prosecutor had won the case would everyone be screaming that she gave favors to the jury foreman in exchange for a conviction. I think the argument can be made that if the officer was convicted that the defense would have had an argument for a mistrial on grounds she was trying to influence the jury by dropping the charges. The whole thing stinks. Was this an ethics violation? Was this a brilliant move on Savages team to allow the foreman to head up the jury and have the whole thing squashed in the end, if it didn’t go his way? I think at the end of the day because a mistrial was declared that you are right in saying, how does this effect this case? It didn’t, but it sure had the potential to if the decision went the other way. It was only one vote that stopped it from going that way. I don’t like it one bit, and wouldn’t be surprised if the ethics board got involved.

Yeah fair enough. I’m sure there are theories, but why would a prosecutor want to make a conviction so bad, they would be willing to bribe a juror and risk going to prison themselves? I doubt that they care that much about this case.

That being said, sure Savage would have appealed the conviction, and maybe he had something, maybe he wouldn’t. He would appeal no matter what if Slager was found guilty. Does a foreman with a criminal record give him an automatic “win” in an appeal? I don’t know for sure, but I doubt it. There are a lot of other jurors on the case. They would likely have to prove that the foreman swayed votes of everyone else. I could be wrong, but I think appeals are a general part of the process. If you are convicted of a serious crime, and your lawyer doesn’t appeal, then you have the wrong lawyer. That being said, I feel like appeals are “grasping for straws” and I bet they rarely accomplish much. I’m not saying that they never accomplish anything, but I bet it’s rare that they actually do.

I think what’s more likely to happen is that this case will get retried by another jury and Slager will still be convicted. I only say this because he was “lucky” to have a “hold out” this time (assuming it was just one person). He might not be as lucky next time.

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Today’s society lacks personal accountability. Walter Scott got himself killed due to his own actions.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

BINGO!!! And we hear these people that say “He didn’t deserve to die for a traffic ticket”… I agree, he didn’t deserve to die, but the events of that day were set into motion by Mr. Scott. His decisions led up to the shooting and he had many opportunities to stop. But he didn’t. It sucks that the man died over a broken tail light and a warrant, but staying in the car and taking ownership of the issues would have prevented to whole thing.

One Simple Thanks!!


Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by CaptFritz

I’m curious why the City of North Charleston settled with the family for 6.5 million before the trial even started.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

X2. Had a similar case up here in Charlotte where the accused cop was found not guilty, but the city awarded the family like $2.5 million before the criminal case was heard. Talk about potential bias…[:0]

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

They do this because the probability that the family will win a civil case for wrongful death is pretty high. If they wait until after the trial, and the officer is found guilty, the payout will be much higher than the original settlement, so in acutality, they are saving money. Look at the OJ Simpson case. He was aqquitted criminally, but found guilty in civil court and the Goldmans took everything he owned and then some.

One Simple Thanks!!





So the paperwork to drop his charge was done ONE YEAR ago…and it’s only coincidence that it was finalized DURING these proceedings?

And how does someone with pending FELONY charges even get to be a possible juror?

Wadmalaw native
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