Military Cuts

Trimming the size of our military again due to budget caps. I wonder how much the cuts were to the welfare system?

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Pit, don’t get me started!

Thats an interesting article. It surprised me to see the Army spending 46 million for area assistance. And as much as it pains me to say this we need to start thinking of our country as a business, and start making business moves to trim the fat. I know it hurts areas and affects people when these types of things happen but they are a necessary evil. You cant tell me no one could see the well running dry at some point.

Now all we need to do is start cleaning up our welfare and food stamp issues and the Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

Now lets take some of those savings and put it into our school systems to help build our future, and I don?t mean pay the fat cats at the top I mean pay teachers and buy supplies.

Totally agree with oops.

Military cost are HUGE. The US spends more money on “defense” than the rest of the WORLD combined. It’s beyond excessive not to mention I think most would agree much of it is spent defending foreigners from radicals in their own country. We spend this despite the US having a whole hemisphere to itself without a real threat. All the while our defenses to bio/chemical/nuclear bombs in shipping containers at major ports is? Non-existent? I think the Ebola scare showed how unprepared we were to biological threats. How do you think things would have turned out if a group of terrorist would have run through an Ebola camp and jumped on the next plane to Atlanta, LA, New York, etc?

Not to mention we are too much of an economic force for any developed countries to dream of tampering with. More than ever money is power. If we don’t manage our money right we won’t be able to compete economically or militarily.

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