It seems that I have been hearing and reading a lot of people saying that duck hunting over Mojos isn’t as effective as it used to me. I seem to do better without them for some reason but I have always had the ones without remotes. This season I am getting a mallard pair with remote to see if that makes a difference. I was just curious how everyone feels about them? Do you seem to do better with or without? Not killing ducks, but ducks reaction. Do more land on your spread with them or do you find they get spooked? That is why I got the remote to pull in ducks for distance and then shut it off when in close. What so you?
Dear Fisher…You may be on to something with the “on/off” observation. I wish I could come up with the magic formula, but so far the only thing that has ever really worked for me was an airline ticket to Canada before Halloween. As long as we are on the subject, I’d like to sound off on Dove Mojo’s during the 1st season. My observation is that the Dove Mojo’s work very well, but they pull the young and dumb birds down low and create a serious safety issue when hunting a large field with a number of stands. When the birds come in over the trees and see those Mojo’s, they dive down like seagulls on a dropped bag of french fries in a Hardee’s parking lot. Shouting “Low Bird” while I face plant in the weeds as the gun barrels level off is not fun. I’m going to suggest that my club ban them 1st season. 2nd and 3rd season usually doesn’t have as many hunters on the stands, and the migratory birds jet through the field if you don’t slow them up with decoys.
Sol Mate
Mako 20B
225 Optimax
you may want to consider a higdon pulsator,very effective for decoy shy birds, who have been seeing hundreds of spinning wing dekes each season.have used before with spinning wing,but would take this hands down.
check out the video,works especially well in ponds slightly frozen,keeps landing zone opened up by moving water ,not allowing re-freeze.
I think you need to let the birds tell you what they want. I’ve hunted over Mojos and had birds try to land on them and I’ve also had birds flair never to be seen again because of Mojos. It all depends on the birds. Just like a grunt call won’t work for every buck, but it will for some. If you start your morning off and the birds are all over your decoys, keep at it. If they’re flairing and not coming in, quit using it.
Earn it everyday
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet.