Went out on Tuesday around 3pm and fished until dark. I was hell bent on catching some trout/reds on a popping cork with a gold DOA shrimp. I have caught zero fish on a DOA shrimp. I think my problem has been that I had the shrimp too high in the water column. This time, I switched it up and made the leader off the cork about 4 ft. The trout loved it. Caught 5 or 6 on it. One slob that shook the hook as I was bringing it in the kayak. I knew it was larger than most trout, because the width of the gill plates when open was quite large.
Side note: When the cork was 10 yards away from the kayak, I stopped popping it and did a slow retrieve, simulating a shrimp leaving the bottom and swimming to the top. Two trout hit the shrimp as it was rising to the top water. At this point the DOA shrimp was no more than 6 feet from where I was sitting. I guess the lesson here is: the fish are always watching. Don’t stop fishing until the bait is in the boat.
Caught another 3 or 4 trolling a trout eye jig with a root beer/chartreuse paddle tail.
I threw a photo on Instagram: @gas__can is the handle. Posting photos here are always trouble for me.
Thanks guys