What is the best way to dehumidify a cabin on a small boat.
I have tried the damprid / water absorber buckets but they just dont seem to work fast enough initially. I have been leery of putting 110volt west marine dehumidifier/heater because of the fire risk. So what are the best options?
-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
Don’t cover it to tight and leave the windows and hatches cracked for air flow ! Do you keep it in the water on on a trailer?
On a trailer with a cover. Recently the cover has started to fail and I am worried rain or whatever can get in the cabin. I closed it up with two of the big water absorbers inside for about three days and noticed a mildew smell and wet air… getting a new cover made but it may take awhile.
-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
^ thats what i started using and my mold issue went away,i keep my boat in a slip and the console would get nasty mold…no more as long as the power stays on…seems to be a problem lately
You have to have moveing air to fight the mold and mildew, I cover mine like a pup tent with both ends open and keep the hatches and door open with a small fan running all the time.I have a 28 Bertram fly bridge, this has worked well for me, I also keep a 100 w bulb burning between the engins with a back up during the winter. I had a family of squrels move in and chew up the wireing last winter, need to get a cat this winter!! Good luck mold is a “B”