I went to Atlanta for a few days this week so decided to swing up through Mountain Rest w/ my trusty 4 weight and box full of wooly buggers and hit the water for a few hours.
Ended up with 6 bows all on either black or olive wooly buggers. Fish ranged from 5" up to about 9". A buddy that was with me netted one about 12".
I did some tandem rigs with nymph trailers but no action there.
Water was a tad low and slow but still some great action and pretty much the most relaxing activity that I can think of!
22’Sea Hunt 200 Yam
14’ Carolina Skiff 25 Yam
El Cid '02
Farm Bureau Insurance
I am headed up that wa Wednesday. What river is that. I was gonna hit up the middle Saluda at jones gap state park. Any pointers?
That is the Chatooga River. The bridge in the picture is Burrels Ford Rd in Mountain Rest right the below the hatchery. If you go up there, I would suggest fishing above the bridge which is where we caught all of our fish. If they get some rain, below the bridge is better to get the water moving but it was kinda low and slow that far down this time.
22’Sea Hunt 200 Yam
14’ Carolina Skiff 25 Yam
El Cid '02
Farm Bureau Insurance
yep, all on wooly buggers. I tried a few other things with nymphs and tandem rigs but they only wanted the bead headed wooly buggers. Most of the time that we fish with just small nymphs we catch a lot of small trout and we were hoping to catch some larger fish with woolys.
There are some nice brownies in there too that really like them. We didn’t hike far enough up river to get to the brown territory though.
22’Sea Hunt 200 Yam
14’ Carolina Skiff 25 Yam
El Cid '02
Farm Bureau Insurance