More Race Baiting By The Media?

Why on earth would this be a subject to report to the masses if you weren’t trying to stir the pot??? She was wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt with a Confederate Flag on it, not a shirt that said “White Power!!!”… IMO, this is not a racial issue other than the fact that the media trys to make it one… BTW Mr. Author, the “North” had a “Slavery Past” also…

wow a skynard tshirt means you’re racist. who knew. bunch of racists on this site. you know who you are.

The United States condoned and promoted slavery for over 75 years before there was a Confederacy.


Well, Old Glory looks a lot like the confederate flag. Same colors, and stars, so it is obviously racist too…

Interestingly enough, the media just tried to pin a racism flag on her sister just a few weeks ago…

But, that being said, I just feel plain sorry for the people who are stupid enough to buy into this type of stuff as being “racist”… Some people will believe anything and that is just sad.

Don’t all them Jenners and Kardashians prefer dark meat? Just sayin’…[:0]

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by Black Bart

Don’t all them Jenners and Kardashians prefer dark meat? Just sayin’…[:0]

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Half of them do... Not sure about Bruce yet, but I will tell him to give you a call!!! :smiley:

:smiley:I think they do Black Bart. Apparently they have a good taste in music if they like ol Lynyrd Skynyrd

Originally posted by skinneej [br But, that being said, I just feel plain sorry for the people who are stupid enough to buy into this type of stuff as being "racist"... Some people will believe anything and that is just sad.

No doubt. That’s the reason obuma is in office and our dipwad congress voted in obumacare with out reading what it was all about. Health care now my biggest cost in my budget.

Got side tracked. I sure wish people understoud the non hate side of the confederate flag. It’s always been a symbol of southern pride to me. Lots of black men died along side white men for that flag. But that doesn’t fit into the medias agenda an the KKK and other dip wads don’t help matters. .

If the white people in this country were racist, Obama and Michelle would never made it to the white house. After all, the country is about 70% white, 12% black and the rest other.

Race relations have deteriorated more in the last 6 years than they have in my lifetime. I grew up in the deep south in the 50’s. Blacks rode in the back of the bus, had their own colored water fountains at Sears, had separate bathrooms, separate waiting rooms at the doctor and dentist offices. Separate schools. Grew up through the whole integration period with MLK riots. Junior high and high school they mixed us all up and threw us together and it was an ugly period for a little while, then we all learned how to live together well and made friends and it was a much better world than before. It kept getting better and better. Enough so that a black man could reach the US Presidency.

And since then, it’s almost back to the 60’s.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Many X 2 larry; remember those days well, also think Nam brought
blacks and whites together a lot, bullets knew no color and lot of
lives of both, saved and given ,by the other!!!:smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

If the white people in this country were racist, Obama and Michelle would never made it to the white house. After all, the country is about 70% white, 12% black and the rest other.

Race relations have deteriorated more in the last 6 years than they have in my lifetime. I grew up in the deep south in the 50’s. Blacks rode in the back of the bus, had their own colored water fountains at Sears, had separate bathrooms, separate waiting rooms at the doctor and dentist offices. Separate schools. Grew up through the whole integration period with MLK riots. Junior high and high school they mixed us all up and threw us together and it was an ugly period for a little while, then we all learned how to live together well and made friends and it was a much better world than before. It kept getting better and better. Enough so that a black man could reach the US Presidency.

And since then, it’s almost back to the 60’s.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Larry that is spot on straight truth talk. You’ve got me by a few years, but I remember coming home from school and my brothers were already home due to race riots in school during segregation.

And now all this crap with cops… yes some are bad… but why run from the law in the first place?

also think Nam brought blacks and whites together a lot, bullets knew no color and lot of lives of both, saved and given ,by the other!!!

In 1972 a black man carried me on one shoulder and a BMG on the other, for 3 days and 40 miles through Indian country. I lost every spec of racism that I might have had. We didn’t get dust offs where we were.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Dang Larry, either you were a little dude back then, or that was an awful big strong black guy!
Bart, what’s with black guys and big booty? That Kim gal has a booty you could have a pool party on! I thought J-Lo, was big until I saw Kim, from the side.

Dang Larry, either you were a little dude back then, or that was an awful big strong black guy!

Both. I am little dude, don’t go much over 160 wet and he was an awful big strong guy. Twice my weight and size at least. Hand carried a .50 with ammo, and other assorted weapons, plus me. I was limping and struggling bad. Not completely out but way down. Never would have made it without him. Hell of a man. He could have left me easy and nobody would have ever known the difference. He didn’t leave me.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Larry, I once had a friend like that! He got hit by machine gun fire and medevaced to Japan and then the states! He was hit bad! I’ve tried to track him or his family down for years! He made it back to the states and I tracked him to the SSN Death list, but can’t find anything more! Not even a cause of death. Would like to tell his family, how much he ment to me!