My Merc 25hp tiller is a 4 stroke, and I’m getting a trickle of what I believe to be motor oil coming from behind the prop. The oil is brown and smells like motor oil.
I’m assuming that i have a bad seal somewhere. How serious of a problem is this? Should I have it repaired immediately or can I put it off until the colder months. Hate to have my boat in the shop during prime time but I don’t want to damage it either.
well you may already know but when its milky brown coming from beind prop it is usually some fishing line caught up in prop and shreads the seal back there…have you pulled the prop and looked?
“you win some, you lose some…but nothing beats getting some!”
Yes I have; no line and all looks well. Might be I spilled a little in the cowling and it ran down there somehow. Idk. Thanks for your suggestions Stump
use it a couple times and check the oil each time you use it
track the oil level on the dip stick
if it is getting lower, then you need to get it fixed, but you could wait a little while, just check it every time you use it