Moving to South Carolina

I’ve never lived in SC, but I’d like to. We visit Hilton Head several times every year. I’ve lived quite a few places: TX, GA, AL, small towns, big cities, overseas, etc. There are nice folks everywhere you go, and there are a few jerks everywhere you go. The first time I visited NYC, I thought people would be rude, but I was wrong. Actually, one guy was but I can do rude too and I did. Everyone else was really pleasant I thought…and I have an unmistakable Southern drawl.

I agree with the I-10 thing. Where I grew up, we considered people from Houston to be yankees. I couldn’t care less anymore where someone is from. I generally like people that like people.

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

I posted sometime ago on this board about moving to SC and for many reasons it was put on the back burner by my company. Well its front and center again, and we will be moving there in the near future. I am mostly an offshore guy here in SOCAL, fishing mainly for Pelagic, but do enjoy bottom fishing in the winter months. I have noticed that for the offshore fishing you need to be closer to the Gulf Stream (Dorado, Wahoo, Marlin and Sail Fish). Looking for input on where the best departure location for reaching the Gulf Stream might be, but still be able to have fun closer in when family shows up (and you know they will).

Last Blue Fin I caught here in SOCAL. Will miss fishing these on light line.


I can help you find a house :smiley: I am a local Charleston Realtor! Also, can give you a little offshore fishing advice to get you headed in the right direction! :+1:

Thanks, any advice for offshore fishing is much appreciated.


You got a shorter trip to anywhere up there than I do down here. You gots the 226/380 hole and bubble rock…some of the prettiest water on the East Coast. Ammo dumps…too…

They got some good charts here:

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Welcome to the best state in America. All i ask is that if you love the taxes here and you vote blue where your from, please don’t vote blue here lol i know this isn’t the political forum but just FYI. Welcome to the South new friends!

F/V Tinny will live forever

I would not worry about a thing!
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Thanks for all the advice. Cannot pass up an offer from a family member. Looks like it’s gonna be upstate in Seneca. Just means that I will have to plan accordingly to fish.


Couldn’t find a place further away from the ocean?

Best offshore time of the season is here. Fushing is fushing fresh or salt. Good luck.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Worked in Seneca for almost 3 years. Great people. Turns out I have family that lives there that I haven’t seen in 30 years.
If you shoot .Check out cedar Creek.
Jazz on the alley every Thursday night. Always a good time.
definitely time to be on the water…

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Seneca is closer to Atlanta than Charleston, but hey, there is great freshwater fishing up there. Plenty of inshore shore lines to explore. And if you happen to be a college football fan, you have a playoff contender team close by.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017